Month May 2013

Who’s ruling?

Who’s ruling?

Democratically elected but dictator in mind!- Bangladesh context Governance in the mobs hand? Whose rules and order to be followed- Government’s or Shah-bag’s, or both? People of Bangladesh are confused and furious. Everybody crossing its limits and nobody cares what’s…

Roof Maintenance Tips

Roof Maintenance Tips

Roof Maintenance Tips To Prolong The Life Of Your Roof Roof repairs can be expensive home improvement projects that you’ll want to avoid if possible.  Not only are they expensive, but they can be a hassle to deal with.  Luckily…

Water problem

Water problem

Fresh drinking water drying out! Arsenic and Bangladesh   Bangladesh forms a part of Bengal basin and consists mostly of the alluvial soils forming present Bangladesh. Drinking water in both rural and urban areas is drawn mainly from the underground…