Dumbbells vs. Barbells: Which is Better and Why?

You have decided it is time to get your frail body back in the game of life and the only way to do that is by hitting the weights. This is a decision that will change your life for the…
You have decided it is time to get your frail body back in the game of life and the only way to do that is by hitting the weights. This is a decision that will change your life for the…
Best Dumbbell Exercises for a Six Pack We had better face the truth. We do bodybuilding with the intention to look good to the opposite gender. For that goal, men should concentrate on building what is called a v-shape body…
We try to provide the information necessary for you to make a decision about which is best for you, an elliptical or a treadclimber. Elliptical vs Treadclimber Comparison article on LiveStrong Live Strong Article – Info about Bowflex elliptical…
Dance Classes Adults Want But Are Afraid To Try Many older teens and adults who have never taken ballet see a performance of Swan Lake or Giselle and are suddenly seized with a passion for the classical form of dance.…