Category Food & Cooking

Our Awesome Beginners Guide to Canning in 2021

Our Awesome Beginners Guide to Canning in 2021

Canning 101 Water bath canning – This is the most common canning method used to prepare canned foods. It uses a large pot filled halfway with water and a rack inside the pot to hold jars off the bottom of…

You’ll love why You Should Tear Your Carbon Footprint in Half in 2021

You’ll love why You Should Tear Your Carbon Footprint in Half in 2021

Tear Your Carbon Footprint in Half in 2021 The messages of doom and gloom around climate change can seem to drown us. Yet a positive message can also inspire – that individuals can have a personal impact on reducing their…

Side Dish Recipes

Side Dish Recipes

Every Day six fifty-five servings of Fruits and Vegetables… Sometimes it really makes a meal is not necessarily the main course, but the sensationalism that accompanies it. This fall, you can enjoy your food harvest local produce to create liveliness…

Home Made Beer

Home Made Beer

‘Free Beer Tomorrow Metal Sign, Pub humor’ Many people enjoy entering homebrew competitions, sometimes referred to as “craft brewing”, and homebrewing has developed various homebrewing clubs and competitions People homebrew for a variety of reasons. Homebrewing can be cheaper than…