Although taking out the trash every week is usually considered a tedious chore, social media users around the world have found an unexpected new source of laughter, community, and entertainment in their garbage bins.

Danielle Askew and her friends from Queensland, Australia are the masterminds behind the aptly-named Bin Isolation Outing Facebook group—a page dedicated to people posting pictures of themselves getting dressed up to take out their trash.

Askew was inspired to create the page after sharing a conversation with her friend about how she was now excited to take her trash can to the curb every day because it has been her only chance to go outside amidst the COVID-19 shutdowns.

Since her friend shared the sentiment, they made a pact to dress up for the occasion and post pictures of themselves to social media. They then created the Facebook page to share their outfits with their other friends in Hervey Bay—but within weeks of starting the group, it grew to include more than a million members from around the world.

Some people use the group’s costume prompt to dress up for their birthdays in self-isolation; others use it as an excuse to dig their favorite Halloween costumes out of the attic—but regardless of the motivation, the page has become a community hotspot for creativity and support during the pandemic.

“I have had a lot of people private message me, and also on the page, to say thank you so much,” Askew told ABC News about the influx of members. “They were quite down and this has made them smile and laugh. So [they say] ‘thank you for bringing a little bit of light into the chaotic world we are in at the moment’.”

This is just one of many positive stories and updates that are coming out of the COVID-19 news coverage this week. For more uplifting coverage on the outbreaks, click here.
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