On a cold, rainy walk through my neighborhood, I found a beautiful ray of sunshine. Someone filled a #LittleFreeLibrary with food and supplies (there’s still books, too). This bit of #coronakindness truly warmed my heart. I hope it does the same for you. @KENS5 #kens5eyewitness pic.twitter.com/99h24khM5r
— Mat Gaskins (@mat_gaskins) March 22, 2020
Thank you @Carilyne for stocking our Little Free Library with food. We will keep refilling as needed! #COVID19 #community pic.twitter.com/KCzgHyB9aZ
— Kelly Bergeron (@kellykbergeron) March 18, 2020
Luckily, there is a #littlefreelibrary just around the corner here in Torquay. AND, as a bonus, they have toilet paper! #winning #ToiletPaperApocalypse @LtlFreeLibrary @streetlibraryau pic.twitter.com/MTOfruvXj1
— Barefoot Librarian (@kimbrap) March 17, 2020
This is absolutely brilliant. Repurposing a #LittleFreeLibrary As a little free food pantry. That’s taking watching out for your neighbors to the whole next level. I love it. #FoodInsecurity pic.twitter.com/Q3I9tE9kdn
— Kim Leonard (@kimleonard) March 21, 2020
Just look at this #LittleFreeLibrary in Arlington MA that has been turned into a #LittleFreeFoodPantry 💕💜📚
Please do this if you can. Times are hard for so many right now. The pic is from a friend’s facebook feed, so I don’t know who it is but book lovers are the best people! pic.twitter.com/kOVVvVA4Bm
— 📚Nandini Bajpai 💐📝 (@nandinibajpai) March 18, 2020
Dr. Hannagan added hand sanitizer to our #LittleFreeLibrary for anyone who needs a new book. If you are leaving a book, you must clean it with a disinfectant first. @Hampton_Talbots@pofflibrary @missp96 pic.twitter.com/fQSACSYXSa
— Poff Elementary (@PoffElementary) March 17, 2020
We’re doing this in my small town of Foxboro MA. also. pic.twitter.com/gN5sjUgWNF
— vmsfox (@vmsfox) March 18, 2020
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