Happy Birthday Sis
Memorial birthday wishes and memory of my sister. Her name was Peggy Lee and she fought for three whole months with the battle of cancer. Type of cancer sis lost her battle to was called Squamous Cell Cancer. Peggy Lee was fifty-one year’s old and she was the mother of seven, five boys and two girls, a loving wife and a sister. Her husband died two months before sis passed away.
Sis, I saw you getting tired and weak..
I didn’t know what to do, I bowed my head
and said a prayer or two. As much I wanted you
to win this battle you had to fight, just one more day
to have you sis, wanted you to hold on tight.
Each day I watched you laid there in bed, I had to
watch you slowly fade away and in so much pain..
you whispered in my ears, please sis, let me go,
I am tired and growing weaker..I just could not
let you go that day.
I would sit by your hospital bed and bow my head in
prayer, with tears flowing down my eyes..how much I wanted you to stay..
I knew it would be selfish of me to hang on to you..and watch
you suffer so. For God had other plans in heaven, so once again
I prayed and asked God to give me strenght to finally let you go.
He called a special angel home and now your in peace..
no more suffering, and your now cancer free. I watched you closed
your eyes and take your final breath and I knew you were in heaven..
and God took home the best. On my wall there hangs a photo
of you, that I hold close to my heart so true. Sis, you fought this batle with cancer and gave it your all and I wanted you to know
I am so proud of you.
Happy Birthday Sis, I miss you so and wanted you to know
how much I love you and how sad it was to let you go.
Every year on your birthday, since God called you home..
I have a memorial birthday wish just for you. I’ll release a
ballon and hope it reaches heaven with the little pink ribbion
tied on the end, with a note of a few words I need to send.
Happy Birthday Sis!