Trouble Heartaches from by-logical family
It seems the more I have tried to fit in my by-logical family, the more It seem I failed. I wanted so badly growing up to be part of my family. Every time I would open the door to my heart to allow my siblings, and mother be part of my life and my children’s life trouble seem to be surrounded them and they pull me in the middle of their drama and gossiping. That was not who I was and how I lived my life or raised my children. I been married to my husband for over 30 year’s. I met him when I was just a kid of ten year’s of age. At that time we both did not have interest in each other or interest in opposite sex for we were just kids and doing what kids normally do, such as, hanging out with friends, roller skating with friends and so on.
I felt an emptiness in my life like it was not fully completed because I felt there something missing and that was having my by-logical family in my life. Being part of the family photo scrap book. Being never asked to be part of family reunions or family photo’s it made me feel not part of the family I was born and raised in. The younger sibling and I was once very close. We do everything together and go everywhere together. As we grew into our Adult year’s we moved on to living our own lives and moved in different towns. We have not spoken to each other for year’s. It wasn’t until the death of our middle sister who died of cancer that I received a phone call from my Aunt and Uncle and the youngest sibling. Not knowing my middle sister who died of cancer I still decided to go to her services. Fact is: reason I was contacted because her own children did not attend the services or wanted part of being responsible of paying for their mother’s Memorial services so it ended up where my husband and I and younger sibling took the responsibility making arrangements to have a Memorial service and paying for the services. I did not have a personal relationship with the middle sister but the fact is I payed for her services because my by-logical sister.
When trouble seen to surround you and trouble seems to follow you which it sometimes does on every side. Worrying about the falling economy, may be a failed marriage, business falling, or your health is failing. Remember God’s promises, he will deliver you and I in the midst of troubles that overwhelms us at times. If we desire to have God to be the God in our time of troubles, than we have to do our part by letting God be God of our lives and our hearts. Must Honor Him by opening his word and obeying what He says we should do to live a righteous life. Seek the Lord, shout out! cry out to the Lord and fear the Lord in the midst of trouble and he will carry us through. When we obey and do what God asks us to do, than all heaven will get involved in our deliverance. Believe in God and Trust in Him. By-logical family may not want you be part of their family but remember that as child of God you’ll always be part of God’s family and He will send people in your life to encourage you and He loves us unconditionally. Triumph is guaranteed!