Category Science

You’ll love why You Should Tear Your Carbon Footprint in Half in 2021

You’ll love why You Should Tear Your Carbon Footprint in Half in 2021

Tear Your Carbon Footprint in Half in 2021 The messages of doom and gloom around climate change can seem to drown us. Yet a positive message can also inspire – that individuals can have a personal impact on reducing their…

Our Dreaming Minds

Our Dreaming Minds

We don’t just dream when we are asleep! We are constantly dreaming whilst we think we are awake! This topic describes certain aspects of consciousness, self awareness, psychology and conscious evolution towards a better more controlled mental condition.    …



GOO OUT OF THE SLOP? Many people think they are an accident. No, not on the part of Ma and Pa, but many millions and billions of years ago something or other happened. You know, some goo was cooking in…

Facts About Dirigible

Facts About Dirigible

Facts About Dirigible The term dirigible is used to describe any lighter than air aircraft that has an engine to propel it and which can be steered. The first dirigible flight was made in Paris, France, in 1852. Henri Giffard…