Preparing for a new baby
Just starting out your new marriage life together, every couples want to planned to start a family after building your life together in a stable environment. My husband were so excited when we first heard the news we were pregnant. We were married for three year's so we both sit down together to planned to start our new family. After trying for four year's getting pregnant, it finally happen. Our first born was a son and all went well, He was born healthy and with the bright red hair. I can remember back when the nurse placed him in my arms how over joyed I was to have a son. My husband was so static and excited with overwhelming that our first born was a son. We had our family almost completed. Than a few year's later, we decided to try again in hope we get a girl this time around. We take whatever the good Lord give us. <br />Our son was going on three year's old and just a month shy of his third birthday, we did it. I became pregnant. Our plans was to have two children regardless if it was two sons, or a son or daughter or two daughters, our family than would be completer. <br /><br />Carrying my baby inside it wasn't until the sixth month pregnancy that we found out what we were having. Nurse took an ultra sound and she told us we were having a girl. Hearing of this news the tears just flowed from my husband and I eyes. Starred in each other eyes, whispered to each other, now we have our million dollar family, husband said. Yep, we sure do honey. The time came to finally deliver our daughter and we were looking forward her being born and being part of our family. She was born a healthy baby girl with dark brown hair. Three days after our daughter was born we were ready to go home and begin our lives together as a family. Not yet home yet with my bundle of joy, a tragic happen, husband was involved in a severe car accident that landed him in the hospital and he was air flight to the hospital. They air flight my husband to a hospital that was hours drive from our home we rented so had to call my oldest sister to come and pick my baby and up to take us both home. When I arrived home, of course I wanted to get to the hospital to be by my husband side. So I asked my sister if our new baby girl could go and stay with her for awhile until I return. I stayed in the McDonald house so I would not have to travel back and forth to and from the hospital where they taken my husband. I paid my sister for caring for my daughter. Our son stayed with my husband parents so I felt at peace knowing my children were safe in the arms of family.<br /><br />I came home about once a week to be with my children and to shower and rest up and stayed a week with both of my children and than at the end of the week would drive back to the hospital to be by my husband side. He was in critical condition and in a coma. I didn't think I had to worry about my children knowing I had a very supportive family as I thought and appreciated them being there caring for my two children as I was going through this. It hurt to be separated from my children at a long period of time and I was feeling guilty not be there as much I wanted too. One following week I travel back home to be with my children and spend a week with them and than at the end of the week I would take the long drive back to the hospital to be with my husband. Only this week when I drove over to my oldest sister's home to pick up my daughter, she was not there, I was already stressed out and exhausted already driving back and forth to the hospital than this happen. It is a long story but to make the long story short, I will just give brief details. It happen that through months of searching where my daughter was, the truth finally came out of my oldest sister's mouth. She forged my signature to adoption papers over to a cousin that I barely knew. I was distraught when I confronted an she opened up to me and broke down and told me the truth. I could not believe what I was hearing. So I started the procedure to file charges against my sister and the cousin. Here the law done be no justice. According to my sister's witness she set up to testify against me that I abandoned my daughter which that was not the case or the truth. The cousin never showed up in court for she fled to Germany and out of the jurisdiction. I made flyers up and passed them around, hung them around in post office and every businesses and on poles and everything but it done me justice.<br /><br />Year's and year's went by. I never gave up hope or praying. Thirty-two year's has passed by and our daughter finally found me. With so much damaged and brainwash that the cousin instilled in her mind to make our daughter believe I abandoned her and there was once even a story I heard through the grape vine that my sister made a comment to one of the relatives I didn't meet or knew that my husband and I were killed in a car accident in West Virginia. I finally met my oldest daughter after thirty two year's but she chose to not to have a mother and daughter relationship with me. She asked me a lot of questions and I shared her the story what happen and her mind was so set in believing whatever the family member told her that she came straight out and said I was lier because of the stories she was told. I respected her request but a chapter in my life, I had a closure to it. We did have two more daughters but moved so far away from my family and our children no longer had no contact with my mother, or my sisters or brothers. I did finally after I met our oldest daughter forgiven my sister but told her straight up, I would never trust her with my life of my children ever again. In my eyes she is dead. <br /><br />