How To Bake Delicious Ginger Evans Chocolate Chip Cookies
How to make Twenty-four Ginger Evans Chocolate Chip Cookies in just easy simple steps:
Three Easy Steps: Follow the instructions below for yummy oh so delicious homemade ginger evans chocolate chip cookies.
1) Separate the ginger evans cookies dough individually.
2) Ready set… bake the ginger evans cookies unto an nonsticky cookies pan.
3) Enjoy! Simply enjoy the incredibly delicious taste of the ginger evans chocolate chip cookies fresh out the oven. Freshly served…
Simple Baking Directions:
1) First preheat your oven to 350 degrees fahrenheit.
2) Second, gently remove the ginger evans cookie dough from the wrapper.
3) Third, instantly separate the ginger evans cookies dough along pre-cut lines individually.
4) Fourth, single handly place the ginger evans cookie dough squares onto ungreased cookie sheets spread for about 2 inches apart.
5) Fifth, If dough becomes too soft during your use, re-chill in freezer until dough becomes firm but not frozen.
6) Sixth, bake cookies at 350 degrees fahrenheit for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown.
7) Seventh, Cool slightly for (about 2 minutes); loosen with spatula.
8) Eight, Keep freshly served cookies refrigerated.
9) Ninth, Use before ”use by” on package.
10) Tenth, Do not eat unbaked cookie dough.
11) Eleventh, Place unused cookie dough in a sealed container.
12) Twelve, The Ginger Evans cookie dough can be frozen for up to 2 months if placed in freezer before ”use by” on package.
Now you have freshly served homemade all so incredible delicious ginger evans chocolate chip cookies. Ready to eat on any day and any occasion. Ginger Evans chocolate chip cookies will sure melt in your mouth and not in your hands. Now you have very wonderful delicious homemade ginger evans chocolate chip cookies nestle in perfect dough that the whole family will definitely sure to love.