Vegan Alternatives to Your Favorite Candy
The hardest thing for me about becoming a vegetarian was not giving up
steaks and burgers. I’ve never had much of a taste for meat, so that
wasn’t hard. It was the candy that I had to give up that was difficult.
Eventually I was able to find vegan alternatives to my favorite candy.
There are all types of vegan candy out there, so look around here if
you’re missing your favorite candy.
Introductory picture is a picture of my candy taken by me
For the longest time Skittles was the only candy that I couldn’t find an alternative to. That was very depressing because I loved Skittles when I was a kid. I can remember watching Garfield and eating Skittles in a very particular order. Skittles used to have gelatin in them, but as of 2009 Skittles are no longer made with gelatin!
Always check the ingredients list. After five years it’s very unlikely that there will still be old Skittles that still contain gelatin floating around, but it’s still possible (and I don’t know for sure that every type of Skittles no longer contains gelatin). Rumblings around the Internet are that in the UK Skittles use non-vegan red dye, but US Skittles use Red 40 which is vegan red dye. So, UK Skittles are still not vegan.
The Amazon page says that Skittles are an excellent source of Vitamin C. I don’t think whoever wrote the information on the Amazon page knows much about nutrition. These Skittles Desserts are made to taste like “dessert fruit flavors.” That sounds interesting.
Alternative to Starburst
Starburst contains gelatin, so they are not safe for vegetarians to eat. However, Mamba chews are vegan and are an excellent alternative to Starburst. They don’t taste exactly the same, but they taste good and they have the same texture.
Mamba chews have orange, strawberry, lemon, and raspberry flavors.
Alternative to Marshmallows
Marshmallows contain gelatin, and while I never enjoyed marshmallows alone I did love s’mores. Fortunately there are vegan marshmallows made by Dandies. And of course store-bought Rice Krispie treats are not vegan-friendly. Glenny’s makes vegan marshmallow treats that are just like Rice Krispie treats.
The Sweet & Sara Vegan S’mores are not available on Amazon, however you can buy them through any of the links below:
Sweet & Sara Store
The original Sweet & Sara S’mores available from the Sweet & Sara website.
Sweet & Sara Store
The peanut butter Sweet & Sara S’mores available from the Sweet & Sara website.
Vegan Essentials
The original Sweet & Sara S’mores available from Vegan Essentials.
Chocolate Bar Alternatives
Most chocolate candy is vegetarian friendly so I’ve never had to give up
most of my favorite chocolate candy (just Whoppers, which contain
resinous glaze). But most mainstream chocolate contains milk products so
they are not vegan friendly. Of course there is vegan chocolate around,
but if you want more than just plain chocolate, then there are some
alternatives to the most popular candy bars. Keep scrolling to find your favorite candy bar and see its vegan alternative.
Alternatives to Crunch Bars
Crunch bars contain milk products. There are a couple of vegan rice crisp chocolate candy bars out there.
Snap Crisped Rice Candy Bar from Go Max Go
Go Max Go makes vegan chocolate bars, and they have equivalents to most mainstream chocolate bars. Snap Crisped Rice Bars are their equivalent to Crunch bars.
Snap! Crisped Rice Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods
Buy Snap! Crisped Rice Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods online at our all-natural candy store.
There are also these
Dark Chocolate Dream Dark Chocolate Bar Rice Crunch bars available
through Amazon. These seem like a good Crunch alternative, and they are
Alternatives to Peanut Butter Cups
Mainstream peanut butter cups are vegetarian-friendly but contain milk fat. There are a couple of vegan alternatives available, however. And there’s even a peanut-free alternative featured below if you have peanut allergies but want to see what peanut butter cups taste like.
Cleo’s Peanut Butter Cups from Go Max Go
Cleo’s Peanut Butter Cups are Go Max Go’s vegan alternative to regular peanut butter cups (these are not the peanut free one).
Cleo’s Peanut Butter Cups by Go Max Go Foods
Buy Cleo’s Peanut Butter Cups by Go Max Go Foods online at our all-natural candy store.
There are also these Chocolate Peanut “Peanot” Butter Cups that are gluten-free and vegan available on Amazon. These are the peanut-free ones. Instead of peanut butter they use WowButter, and they use peanut-free chocolate.
Another vegan alternative to peanut butter cups are Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. (These are not peanut-free, either). Only the dark chocolate variety are vegan, the milk chocolate ones are not vegan.
Alternative to Snickers
Snickers contains milk and egg ingredients, but there is a vegan nougatty candy bar available.
Jokerz Candy Bar from Go Max Go
Jokerz candy bars are the Go Max Go equivalent to Snickers bars.
Jokerz Candy Bar by Go Max Go
Buy a vegan Jokerz Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods online at our 100% natural candy store.
Also available on Amazon.
Alternative to Milky Way
Milky Way candy bars contain milk ingredients, but Go Max Go has a vegan alternative.
Twilight Candy Bars by Go Max Go
Twilight candy bars are Go Max Go’s answer to Milky Way candy bars.
Twilight Candy Bar by Go Max Go
Buy a vegan Twilight Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods online at our 100% natural candy store.
Alternative to 3 Musketeers
3 Musketeers candy bars contain milk ingredients and egg whites. Go Max Go has a candy bar alternative with creamy chocolaty filling.
Buccaneer Candy Bar from Go Max Go
As an alternative to 3 Musketeers, Go Max Go has Buccaneer candy bars.
Buccaneer Candy Bar by Go Max Go
Buy a vegan Buccaneer Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods online at our 100% natural candy store.
Also available on Amazon.
Alternative to Almond Joy
Almond Joy candy bars contain milk ingredients. If you enjoy coconut, Go Max Go has a coconut candy bar similar to Almond Joy.
Mahalo Candy Bars from Go Max Go
Mahalo candy bars from Go Max Go have coconut in them as well as almonds if you want an alternative to Almond Joy candy bars.
Mahalo Candy Bar from Go Max Go
Buy a vegan Mahalo Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods online at our 100% natural candy store.
Also available on Amazon.
Alternative to Butterfinger
Butterfinger candy bars contain milk and whey. Go Max Go has recently created an alternative to Butterfinger bars.
Thumbs Up Candy Bars from Go Max Go
New from Go Max Go! Thumbs Up are the alternative to Butterfinger candy bars.
Thumbs Up Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods
Buy Thumbs Up Candy Bar by Go Max Go Foods online at our all-natural candy store.
More Vegan Candy
These are vegan white chocolate chips, vegan caramel chews, vegan gummi bears, vegan jello, and a vegan chocolate bar (which has many varieties to choose from).
More Vegan Candy Resources
Vegan Sweets and Treats in Brazil – Vegan Backpacker
This has information on a lot of vegan snacks in Brazil. There is a
vegan Whopper alternative called ChocoSoy Pops, but I have been unable
to find it for sale online. This seems to be the only vegan alternative
to Whoppers.
Is chocolate vegan? Where can I find vegan chocolate? What are vegan chocolate brands?
Wondering if chocolate is vegan and if you can still eat chocolate on a
vegan diet? Read on to find out about dairy-free vegan chocolate, where
to find it, and which brands of chocolate are vegan.
Welcome to Go Max Go Foods!!
The Go Max Go website with nutritional information about their candy bars.
GoMaxGo Foods Vegan Candy Bars! The Quantum Vegan
This has taste information about the Go Max Go Vegan candy bars from someone who was given a sneak peek.
Go Max Go Chocolate Bars
Buy Go Max Go candy bars. The creators of Go-Max-Go Foods set out to
create extraordinarily delicious candy bars. They craved candy bars that
are chocolatey, nougaty, caramely, peanutty, almondy, coconutty… From Pangea, the vegan store.
Natural Candy Store – Vegan Candy
The vegan section the the Natural Candy Store. There are many different types of vegan candy listed here.
Moo Free Dairy Free Chocolates
Moo Free Chocolates – manufacturer of dairy free chocolates, vegan chocolates, lactose free chocolate and dairy free chocolate.