

I have 5 children ranging in ages of 23 - 9 years.  They're a blast, and I love to write about them, their interests and activities.  I also just plain love to write, even if it's about the same topic from different angles.

The Art Of Needlepoint

The Art Of Needlepoint

It’s Not Your Mothers Needlepoint Any More. When I was growing up, the Santa to the left was as deep as needlepoint would go.  At that point in time, needlepoint was considered something that children did in order to keep…

Chelsea Needlepoint

Chelsea Needlepoint

Needlepoint! What’s the first thing you thought about when you saw the word needlepoint?  Was it something like, “I can’t do that”?  Or maybe it was something like, “how boring”.  Let me suggest to you that needlepoint is something that…

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Autumn is the most beautiful of all seasons.  With the hot blistering summer coming to an end, the leaves suddenly realize that they no longer need to work to protect people from the blistering hot sun, so they begin…

Time Shares By Owner

Time Shares By Owner

Vacation When you take a vacation often times the hardest thing to decide is where to go.  There are many variables in this decision including staying in the country, going out of, the amount of money that you want to…