

I'm Jethro from the Philippines. You can call me Jet for short. The reason why I'm here is because I want to diversify my articles in different sites and I find <strong>SirGo</strong> as beautiful as <strong>Squidoo</strong>. &nbsp;I am a writer in ExpertsColumn, Wikinut, Triond, Zujava and other article writing platforms. Just search manlalakbay there and you will find my articles in an instant. &nbsp;I also have a <a href=";tabid=144&amp;mid=688" target="_blank" title="Learn to earn money online!"><strong>website about learn to earn money online</strong></a>.&nbsp;<br /><br />If you want to read my article in Squidoo, then you are free to click the link below:<br /><strong><a href=";tabid=144&amp;mid=688" target="_blank" class="SubHead">My Squidoo Articles can be found here</a></strong>.

The New Multiply Site

The New Multiply Site

Multiply Site I used to be an active user of Multiply site before and when I returned this week to check if my account is still there, I was surprised that it is still active and working. Anyway, Multiply before…