Buying A Second Hand Car – Tips For Buying A Used Car

Buying A Used Car Is A Great Decision!

If you are thinking of buying a second hand car, you couldn’t have picked a better time to get the best value for your money. 
Second hand cars are less of a strain on the finances than new cars and with car sales down, used car dealers are more desperate than ever to get their hands on your hard earned cash. Now is the perfect time to buy a car.

Buying a used car is still a big expense and not an easy task with so much choice in the market and anyone about to buy a car wants to get the best deal possible, naturally. Fantastic bargains are waiting for you and getting a great deal on the car of your choice at a bargain price is possible – BUT you need to do your homework first.

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Buy A New Or Used Car?

Will You Get Your Dream Car Or A Lemon?

The classic reason why many people used to avoid buying a second hand car is no longer an issue – used cars are much more reliable today and without the cost of expensive repairs.

You won’t suffer the same depreciation in value that hits new car buyers as soon as they drive the car off the lot. Another advantage of buying a used car.

We;ve all heard alarming stories about people being ripped off and scammed by car dealers so if you don’t want to end up being taken advantage of, you really need to know the right and wrong way of buying a car second hand.

How To Buy A Used Car – Getting The Best Car Deals

What if you had the inside scoop on exactly how to go about buying a second hand car? Do you think you would stand a better chance of getting a fantastic deal if you educated yourself on the tips and tricks associated with buying a car?

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Getting the Best Price on a Used Car…
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 This car buying guide will show you how it is possible to get the best value for your money and how you can avoid a lot of the pitfalls that are common practice in the auto world.

Learn how you can avoid being hit with hidden fees and charges and how you can make big savings on any car loan.

Knowledge is power – it’s easy to get a great deal on any car once you know how.

What Not To Do!
5 Things Not To Do When Buying A Used Car – Read on….

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Tip # 1 – Never Think About Buying A Used Car Without Knowing What You Want

DON’T BUY A CAR without having some idea of what you are looking for!

If you are unclear about what you want, you are a car dealer’s dream and you can easily be persuaded to go for something unsuitable.
Not everyone wants the same thing in a car….

Sports model or family car?
Is style important or are you looking more for comfort?
What kind of driving do you do? Are weather conditions a factor?
Do you want an automatic or manual transmission?
Does it have to fit a particular size parking space?
Do some research on the internet and decide what factors are a priority in your car purchase and see what models you come up with. Another good idea is to check out forums as you will have the benefit of other peoples history of how they found that particular model.

Give Yourself Every Advantage

Tip # 2 - When Buying A Car - Know Your Budget

Tip # 2 – When Buying A Car – Know Your Budget

DON’T BUY A CAR – without knowing how much you can afford to spend!

If you are taking out a loan, how much can you afford to repay monthly? How much of a down payment can you afford to make?

When in a dealership, the newer and more expensive models will be right under your nose and it can be quite easy to get side-tracked. Know your budget but don’t disclose it to the dealer. Give a ball park figure of how much you have to spend and always claim a lower amount than you actually have.

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Tip # 3 – Don’t Risk Buying A Car On A Saturday

DON’T BUY A CAR – on the weekend!

Believe it or not there is a good and a bad time to buy a car. Most people will buy a car on the weekend when perhaps they can take a partner or friend along both for moral support and to offer an opinion. Weekends are when most people have some free time and can manage to do this.

Dealerships are busier on weekends and you won’t get the same time or attention you need to negotiate the best possible deal.

I was manipulated…
“….I can see clearly how the car dealerships manipulated me and took advantage of me….”

Tip # 4 – Don’t Attempt To Negotiate If You Are Uncomfortable

DON’T BUY A CAR – If you are not entirely comfortable with the sales person.

If you feel pressurized or harrassed to make up your mind, just walk away. It is not only car dealers who can make you feel like making a decision is a life or death situation, it is actually a skill that experienced negotiaters use to seal the deal. Think about estate agents for example.

Have your mind made up ahead of time that you will leave if things are not running smoothly but be prepared to spend time negotiating a deal.

Tip # 5 – Check Out The Warranty

DON’T BUY A CAR – without checking warranty conditions.

Warranty on used cars varies – anywhere from 3 months to 1 year. Always check what warranty is on the car as it could hopefully save you some problems down the line.

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CLICK HERE To Buy Gov’t Seized Cars – Up To 95% Off

What To Look For When Buying a Used Car – More Resources

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