Do You Want A Geodesic Dome Greenhouse? I Do!
I made him turn around and pull over so we could get a good look at that greenhouse. After a few sketches and notes jotted down in the notebook I keep on hand just for such emergencies, we moved on…
The Dream Of Building A Dome Greenhouse Has Never Faded!
OR… even a Pop Up Greenhouse! Go figure! Who woulda thought someone would make a Dome Greenhouse Tent?
This little beauty is easy to assemble and a good size for a starter hobby greenhouse. You’ll enjoy getting a jump on the growing season.
Now, back to my story…
In fact it has only intensified as time has gone on.
Fast forward a few years (no I’m not telling you how many) I’ve got my own home, some land and a bit of garden it’s time to get serious and build my dome greenhouse.
Now, those of you who know me know I’m a bit of a research and information junkie. (No really, don’t roll your eyes like that, they might get stuck! LOL) So it’ll be no surprise to you that before starting to build a dome greenhouse in my back 20 that I did a bit of research.
(ok, ok so it’s only the back 3 but shhhhhh… I’m having delusions of grandeur here, don’t burst my bubble!)
Well, I thought I’d share what I found here with you. So here goes…
Plans To Build A Dome Greenhouse Are Not Easy To Come By
Published in 2011 with 122 pages overall this is a great book, covering a wide range of topics.
But the coverage is a bit uneven… diving into deep detail on some areas and glossing over others.
Overall, well worth adding to your library.
A Hex dome is not quite as sturdy as a “geodesic” but much simpler to construct. A little bit simple but a good primer and will get your ideas flowing.
A solid choice for those still in the “planning” phase.
An out of print classic you may have trouble finding offline.
Amazon has copies available at this time!
If you’ve been looking for this book I’d suggest you don’t wait to get it.
And when they say a “little” bit of land they MEAN IT!
We’re talking about using a greenhouse and gardening in a backyard that’s smaller than most suburban yards. But they make it work and HOW!!!
Fish feed your plants, plants feed the fish, plants and fish feed you!
This book is meticulously documented even folks who think the know A LOT about aquaponics will have a lot to think about after reading this.
The STRONGEST Structure Man Can Build
Easy To Build Anywhere
Geodesic Greenhouse Plans, Ideas And Other Cool Small Backyard Landscaping Ideas
Greenhouse Plans
The best hobby
greenhouse plans are hard to find. Every website and book you look in has a
different idea on how you should build your..
Build A Small Greenhouse
Build a small
greenhouse! It’ll Save You Money AND It’s Not As Hard OR Expensive As You
Dome Greenhouse… Can You Build One In Your
I have always wanted
to build a geodesic dome greenhouse. From the first time I saw one. I remember
it as if it was yesterday..
To Build A Greenhouse So You Can Grow Safe Food
Is saving money and your health important to you? Then it’s time to find
out how to build a greenhouse so you can grow your own food. It’ll help you
live a more healthy lifestyle and…
Backyard Landscaping Ideas
There are dozens of
reasons why you may be looking for some solid backyard landscaping ideas. Right
Dome Plans
Using geodesic dome
plans to build a greenhouse is a great diy project. You can probably even
winging it with the dome structure itself if…
Greenhouse Heaters
Small greenhouse heaters are
a must for any backyard greenhouse, even more so than they are for the large
commercial ones. Because…
Greenhouses Pots Are Critical To Your Success!
Most geodesic dome
greenhouse gardeners use either plastic or clay pots or containers. Both are
fairly inexpensive and will get the job done…
Greenhouse Plans… 5 Golden Rules To Find The Right Ones For
Golden rules of buying garden greenhouse
plans are those that really apply. You want to keep them in mind and don’t
forget them.Like stars to steer by,
Geodesic Dome Greenhouse Plans
With geodesic dome
greenhouse plans, size matters! When you first decide you want to