The story of The Cat in The Hat might need a new sequel now that this Japanese couple has begun creating caps made from cat fur.
Photographer Ryo Yamazaki and his wife were brushing their three gorgeous kitties several years ago and all the fur on the floor sparked an idea.
What if the clumps of shedded fur could be made into a hat worthy of Versace?
So they used a felting technique and made the first of what have come to be known as Nukege hats.
Nukege is the Japanese word for shed fur or hair.
Ryo and his wife shares their cats in the hats on his Instagram feed.
And you can tell from the calm demeanor that the cats don’t mind wearing these quirky lids, which are lightweight—and because they’re made from hair, have a familiar smell.
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It’s unclear how long before their cats actually knock those bonnets off their heads, but long enough for these adorable photo shoots is long enough for us.
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