The Ex Knife Set – An Artistic, Unorthodox Conversation Piece
When I first saw this knife set, I hesitated in writing a page about it but then I thought, “What the heck.” If we can’t laugh at things that sometimes seem a little “out there” and let’s face it, pretty darn mean if you really look at this knife set.
I just couldn’t help myself, so here I am adding this to the mix.
I don’t know that a professional chef would use a set like this but, Hey, ya never know.
So follow along and we will take a look at this “knife set” and see what the reviews are about it.
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This Set Also Comes In Black
It appears that I am a little bit behind the times, as the video below is from 2012. This is the first time I have ever seen a knife set like this.
You know how sometimes you have that “little” twinge of anger toward the ex? I guess this would kind of relieve some of that anger without actually “doing the deed.”
With a little over 103 reviews, most (53) rated this item as “5 Star.” There were about 12 reviews that judged this somewhat silly knife set at “1 Star” with statements of poor quality to being sexist and stupid.
I guess whether you decide to purchase this item for yourself or as a gift or not, will depend greatly on your sense of humor.
If you are more into the traditional and professional knife set, you may want to take a look at: The Deglon Meeting Knife Set
What Kind Of Sense Of Humor Do You Have?
Do you think you would buy this as a gift or for yourself as a conversation piece?
I would love to hear some comments on this below.
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