The Most Inspirational Woman in My Adult Life!!

Hello there!
I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression while I stayed in the Neurological floor in a hospital neaby my home. That diagnosis scared me. More so because it started with a panic attack on top of a bridge in New Jersey. A simple twenty minute drive took me two hours to complete. Very scary to me. But a wonderful accident I saw the infomercial for the Midwest Center for Anxiety and Depression by Lucinda Basset and my entire world had begun to change. Woohoo!!

The Reason I am able to function and enjoy my precious present moment!

The Reason I am able to function and enjoy my precious present moment!

I just cannot help but share and brag about this book. Lucinda’s memoir is such an inspiration to me. She has been through so much of ups and downs in her life. More downs than ups. Her traumatic experiences touched my soul to its very core. I cannot put this book down. I gain more insight about myself as I turn each page. We all have choices in life and she reminded me that I have a choice of frowning or turning that frown upside down. I choose the latter.  And I feel great about that decision. I am a work in progress…on the positive side.

Daily To-Do List For Myself!
Note to Self:

Deep, long and slow Breaths.

As I breathe, put all thoughts out of my mind – empty it all.

Ride along with a smile and this phrase about any negativity that may surround you “I will allow No evil doer to disrupt my life and disrupt my health.” “My health is first and always first.”

Meditate, along with Meditation Music.


Enjoy NOW

My Other Daily Sticky Reminders
More Sticky Notes to Self:

Continue writing in my journal. Do not quit on it. It’s part of your healing internally.

Express myself with no agenda. No disappoints, no expectations.

Rest a restful sleep.

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