

I am a freelancer, engaged in a private University in Bangladesh. Love to learn and read all of you, if possible, and share my views with you guys. I am a social and open minded person, and love liberty and freedom, of course with limits.

Bloggers functions

Bloggers functions

Bloggers in Bangladesh- political pawns Bloggers responsibility? What should be the bloggers job in the first place? Is it the political issue to handle or should we fight for our legal rights (if we have it at all !) for…

Paddyland squeeze

Paddyland squeeze

Gradual decliniing of cultivable land The cultivable lands are declining   The cultivable lands are declining in an alarming rate in Bangladesh since the independence in 1971, which has been expedited with the advent of emerging land developing companies, who…

Xmas up organization

Xmas up organization

Up your organization through our office Christmas party It may seem antithetical to the true Christmas spirit to use our office Christmas party as a career opportunity, b8t actually, the holidays are the prefect time to set the scene for…



Moonlighting- conflict of interests Generally we will find that there are no regulations against moonlighting. Obviously that makes it legal. But there may be ethical reasons against it. These considerations usually involve our relationships to our employer; an obvious example…