Home security does not have to be expensive
Most people think that making your house safe and try to make it hard for a burglar to get in is very expensive.
But I will give you a couple of great tips to do it basically for free. !!!
Clean up your yard
By making your house more visible from the road you can improve you safety in a pretty easy way.
Remove every hiding spot in you yard and make sure your house can be seen from the road.
This step alone will make a burglar think twice !@!
Look at your windows
Windows are used a lot by burglars. Why ?? Most people like to leave the windows open to air out the house on nice days and often forget to close them when they leave.
A burglar will always try to find any open or unlocked window to get in first.
Look at your doors
Doors are one of the most common used ways to enter a house don’t you think?
Well a burglar also know that and he also knows that some people do no lock the doors all the time.
An easy way to get in is just checking for any door we left unlocked.
Garages and other attached buildings
What is easier to use than a garage or building that is attached to your house by a burglar?.
Nothing. This is the perfect spot for them and I tell you why.
Out of side
You can make noise
You can hide fast
This is one of the spots we really have to pay attention to !!!!
Get a dog
We all know that through our time dogs were used to protect our property.
Every burglar knows that a barking dog is one of the worse thing that can happen to him.
First of all it makes a lot of noise and you never know if it will bite or not.
That is why a burglar will hardly ever break into a house that is protected by a dog.
The problem however is that most of us do not have the time for a dog.
To busy with all kind of things.
That is why an Electronic barking dog alarm comes in place.
This will make the same noise a real dog, but you do not have to feed it.
Have a look at the video below this and see it this might be the best home security system for you!