Potty Training Girls

Potty Training A Girl Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult!

Potty training girls and boys can be a frustrating and confusing time for both parents and children. When should you start to potty train girls? What is a good age or when is the right time for potty training?

Patience, perseverance, love and understanding are definite requirements, and in large measures. Toilet training is a big milestone in your childs development but it’s best not to treat it like it’s a big deal.

We all have our child’s best interests at heart but parents can often build up potty training and approach it feeling anxious and uncertain. If you feel this way, the chances are that your child will not understand what your expectations are.

The way you approach toilet training can set the stage for success and save a lot of frustration for all concerned. A little preparation can definitely go a long way to make training your child easy.

Images from Clipart.com

When To Start Potty Training Girls

Probably the number one question that most parents have about potty training is when to start? 
Research has shown that both boys and girls are ready to begin potty training at around 18 months old, that is, that they have the ability to feel the impulse to control their bodily functions.
Some people like to start potty training at 18 months and get their children out of diapers, yet others feel that this age is much too young and it is much better to wait until the child is older as they will be a little more co-operative and better able to deal with the task. 
Did You Know That In 1956, 80% Of American Kids Were Potty Trained By Age 2?
This is because nappies had to be washed by hand – no disposables then, so getting children into pants quickly made for an easier life.

what age to start,potty training girls,potty training girls age

While it is difficult to pinpoint an age to start potty training for girls, getting the timing right is important. If you start too early, it could be a bit of a struggle, yet if you leave it too late, it can be difficult to motivate your child and get their co-operation.  It all depends on you and your child and when you feel that they are ready to start.
The real key to successful potty training is to do it when your child is ready and willing.

How To Potty Train A Girl – Is Your Child Ready?

When you begin to think about toilet training, look for signs that your child is indeed ready to begin.
Signs of readiness include – 
Curiosity – is your child showing interest in what goes on in the bathroom? Children love to copy the actions of grown-ups so this is a great opportunity to familiarize them with bathroom “lingo”. Also, let them flush the toilet so it won’t frighten them when they progress to using the “big” toilet.
Understanding – does your child understand the basic concepts involved in going to the loo? She should be able to follow simple instructions – pull your pants down, sit on the potty, wipe your bum, wash your hands.

Uncomfortable in soiled diaper – If your child is expressing a dislike of being wet or wanting to get changed as soon as they have done a poo, this is a clear sign they are ready to start the process. 


ready for training


Awareness – Is your child able to recognise when they are about to do a wee or poo? A child who is able to tell you when they are about to wee is definitely ready for training.

Staying Dry – If your child is able to stay dry for around two hours and possibly after a nap, it shows their bladder capacity is increasing.

Interest – If your little girl is showing interest in wearing “big girl pants” – the time is right to give it a try.

Tips For Potty Training Girls

Tips For Potty Training Girls

Toilet training could be hassle free!

Do you feel a bit anxious about starting the whole toilet training thing?
Would you like advice about potty training girls? There is a lot of information around about what is the best age to start etc. but it can be a bit confusing trying to decide what is the best thing for you and your child.

Some children catch on fast to the idea of toilet training, but for countless others, it becomes a battle ground. It can be a difficult and daunting task trying to keep up with other areas of your life if you experience problems with potty training. Should you give up and try again or should you persevere?

Potty Training In 3 Days is an ebook that can help you get rid of your worries. It is full of tips on potty training girls and boys from someone who has perfected a system for training children fast. Some of what you’ll find in this ebook –

  • How potty training can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and
    your toddler!
  • At what age you can start potty training your child – when the time is right – pick the wrong time, and you will end up taking far longer
  • Guidance on everything you will need to carry out potty training
  • How to deal with resistance
  • How to keep your child on track once potty trained
  • How to deal with regression before it becomes a disaster
  • Overcoming your child’s fears in using the potty or toilet
  • How to deal with incontinence and bedwetting
  • How to deal with constipation and more…

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You Need A Potty To Potty Train…

Can’t start training without one!

Get something that your little one will like and want to sit on without fuss.
When you introduce the potty, give plenty of encouragement, make it a fun experience. Maybe sing a song together or play a game. Co-operation is required so never force your child to use the potty or you risk a more stressful situation.
Image From Amazon.com – 

Sesame Street Elmo Adventure Potty Chair


Potty Training Tips For Girls ....

Potty Training Tips For Girls ….

How to go about the process to guarantee success

Something that stresses out a lot of people is the actual process itself – how to go about starting the training.
The first thing to do is plan ahead. The more prepared you are, the better chance of success you will have and the more confident you will feel. Don’t start when you cannot give it your full attention, trying to fit it in around a holiday, moving house or expecting a new baby is not an ideal time.

The best time to start is when you have some time off work or during the summer when your little one can run around without wearing a diaper and when the weather is better for drying clothes outside. No matter how quick a child is to catch on, be prepared for a couple of accidents.

Talk to your child about what is involved in potty training. Make sure they understand clearly what is expected of them.

Praise is all important, concentrate on your child’s achievements and pay most attention when your child gets it right. Positive reinforcement is what works best so avoid punishing your child.

Potty Training Facts...
Nowadays in the Western world, the age at which just 50% of toddlers are trained is close to 3, and 26% of children are still not trained by the age of 4!
Potty Training Facts...
Nowadays in the Western world, the age at which just 50% of toddlers are trained is close to 3, and 26% of children are still not trained by the age of 4!
Potty Training Facts...
Nowadays in the Western world, the age at which just 50% of toddlers are trained is close to 3, and 26% of children are still not trained by the age of 4!

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How To Make Potty Training Fun…

A good idea to encourage your child to go on the potty is to have a special toy that they hold only on the potty.
A popular choice is Potty Elmo, your little one will take comfort in the fact that she is not going through this alone and may have a confidence boost that she is in charge of Elmo.
Books are also a great way of reinforcing the positive experience of potty training.

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Set The Stage For Success

When your child first begins to train, make sure you give plenty of opportunities for them to use the toilet before they have an accident. You will need to remind them frequently to go potty but after a while, they will remember themselves.

Ensure good hygiene practices from the start. Help your child to wash their hands properly after each visit to the toilet. This encourages good habits for life.

When potty training girls, make certain she knows to wipe from the front to the back to discourage the chance of bacteria entering the vaginal area. It can be quite difficult to manage this, so if it does prove too hard, just tell her to pat the area dry, but not to wipe from back to front. Wiping properly will come with time.

You might need one of these…

Fisher-Price Learn-to-Flush PottyFisher-Price Learn-to-Flush PottyCHECK PRICE

Fisher-Price Froggy PottyFisher-Price Froggy PottyCHECK PRICE


A Potty for Me!A Potty for Me!CHECK PRICE

“I was speechless!”
“…I was a little skeptical to start with…. I thought I could potty train on my own and that was the largest mistake I have made all year…Thank You!”

Potty Training In 3 Days


Some Problems You Might Encounter

Diaper dependence is a common problem these days due to the use of disposable nappies. They are so comfortable and absorb a lot of liquid with the manufacturers improving on designs constantly. A child has little incentive to get out of nappies really and the only ones who benefit are the manufacturers.

Delayed potty training can result in health issues. Many children are afraid of their poo or are afraid of doing a poo and this can result in retentive encopresis, unresolved constipation issues. This condition results in the stretching of the lower intestines from enlarged, hardened stools, to the extent that your child will no longer have the urge to defecate.

Good Luck With Your Potty Training

Best of luck whenever you decide to start potty training. It can be done quickly and easily, it doesn’t always have to go on for months.

Prepare yourself and your child in advance and things should run smoothly.  I hope you found a tip or two here to help but if you are still apprehensive about starting,  check out, 
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