Project writing tips

How to write a Short Project-A glimpse on a Bangladeshi NGO

Appropriate Resource for Improving Street Children’s Environment (ARISE) is a Tripartite initiative of the Ministry of Social Welfare (MSW), Department of Social Services (DSS) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The project has been in operational since March 1999 as a pilot project to address the crucial needs and problems of the street children in Bangladesh in order to enable them to integrate with the mainstream of the society.


While the ultimate clients of the project are the Most Vulnerable Children (MVC), the secondary clients are the Department of Social Services of the Ministry of Social Welfare, and the NGOs whose capacity needs to be strengthened to provide necessary support to the street children of Bangladesh in accordance with the principles of UNCRC. At present the project is begin implemented in six divisional cities viz. Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Barisal and Sylhet.


The project aims at capacity building of the street children of Bangladesh in accordance with the principles of UNCRC. The focus of the project is limited to the following:

Ø     Work with 60,000 most vulnerable street children with special emphasis to girl children;

Ø     Work with the GOB and NGOs together, initiating the NGOs a strong role;

Ø     Build up national capacity to child protection with focus on MVC.


Objective of the project is two folds i.e.

Pilot Phase:

Ø     To identify , strengthen and replicate existing support services;

Ø     To develop new support services according to the needs of street children;

Ø     To establish and strengthen channels of information – sharing communication;

Ø     To develop a system for referrals between Government and Non-Governmental support agencies, formal and non-formal sectors at service delivery.


Upstream Phase:


Ø     To develop necessary policy recommendations and advocacy, and

Ø     To build a national capacity for resource mobilization.


Project activities

Activities of the project have been designed taking into consideration the needs identified through situation analysis of the street children and reviewing the existing services available to uplift the station of the street children. Accordingly following activities are being implemented by the project through the nine partners NGOs.


Drop-in-center/night shelter

Safe shelter is the most important need of the children and it is in-build in the project. So far till date partner NGOs are operating 19 drop-in – centers (DIC) and 19 night shelters as well. Average daily enrollments in the DIC and night shelter are 150 and 75 respectively.


Health Services

Health services under the project aim to raise awareness among the street children for the need of curative and preventive measures. First aid and treatment for common diseases is arranged by the PNGOs and for special cases referred to specialized health centers. So far 17225 children treatment in the DICs and schools run by the PNGOs and 294 children referred for necessary treatment support. 110 children have been identified as STD cases and treated 96 children.



Appropriate education curriculum has been developed and educators have been equipped with training to provide meaningful education to these children Creating joyful learning situation is emphasized for effective learning. SO far 267 education centers have been operating and 43641 have been enrolled in 3 years.


Community sensitization

A street child is not only a problem of a particular family or parents, it is a problem of the community as a whole and thus the issue needs to be addressed collectively. Community sensitization in this respect is an important effort to ensure participation of the greater community in planning and implementation of the project is also possible through community sensitization.


Awareness Raising

Awareness of the greater community to build a congenial life environment for street children is very important. ARISE project has put priority weight to make clear that every child has universal right to lead a normal life.


Psychological Counseling

Psychological care is important activity of the project to help overcome the traumatic situation of the street children. The International Consultant developed a manual on counseling and provided training to 38 GO/NGO staff. Further the project has organized 12 days basic training to 100 participants selected from the PNGOs, DSS and ARISE project through sub-contracting with the Inner Force, an expatriate organization working in the field of counseling. The basic training followed 5 days advance training for 40 participants and 3 days follow up training for 100 participants who attended the basic training Inner Force also provided professional supervision to all the pNGOs in the project locations and scheduled to produce a training module on psychological counseling.


Recreational activities

Opportunities of recreation for the street children account high value for their physical and psychological development. Variance of recreational activities have been made available in the project through in-door and out-door games. These activities enable the street children to develop their imagination and creativity and also accommodating attitude and healthy interaction.


Market Survey

Market survey is done periodically to assess the scope and appropriateness of a trade for the street children using questionnaire, visiting potential formal and informal relevant sectors / offices etc. Survey data are then processed and compiled for prioritization of trades that enable program planners to choose appropriate training for the street children.


Vocational Training

Capacity building and empowerment of the street children to integrate them in the mainstream of the society is possible by improving skills that are marketable. Partner NGOs within their own capacity or by referring the street children to other training venues impart vocational training on specific trades appropriate for them. So far 6010 children received vocational training on different trades. Out of that 3701 received in house training.


Job Placement

Street children themselves are the breadwinners for them. As a result, ensuring earning scope is put priority in dealing street children. Children are helped in finding a job relevant to their skill and interest. Constant follow up is ensured initially in view of providing back up support to keep them continue their existing job. A total of 4120 children have been placed in various jobs till to date.



Establishing and strengthening relationship with GO, NGOs and International community related or dealing with development and rights of children in general and street children in particular will enable ARISE project to promote and influence programs and policies of street children. Instead of isolated efforts, result will be much more positive and tangible if all concerned agencies step forward collectively.



Existing laws and provisions are not adequate to address the issues of street children. Development of policy recommendations on the basis of research and implementation experiences and placing those to the appropriate desk for inclusion in the policy guidelines are important initiative of ARISE project.


Legal Aid Protection

Street children are the victims of multi-dimensional harassment and abuse. The situations of street girls are more vulnerable. There is little effort to provide legal aid protection from the competent authority. Partner NGOs are not also in the position from their organizational strength to provide necessary legal support. As a result, professional organization (s) will be brought in the process to develop capacity of the partner organizations to deal with legal issues of the street children.


ARISE Project Management


Management of ARISE project is executed as per the guidelines of National Execution. In the Management strategy there are three committees: 1. National Steering Committee, 2. Tripartite Project Review Committee, 3. Project Implementation Committee. The Project is headed by one National Project Director from the government who is assisted by a team of 7 Technical project staff. There are also provision of 1 International and 5 National Consultants in the areas of Psychological Counseling, Health, Education, Vocational, Gender and Policy Dialogue.


Nine partner NGOs in 6 divisional cities are implementing project activities under agreed terms and conditions improve the life situations of the vulnerable street children.


Partnering with the NGOs

As per implementation strategy the project is executed in collaboration with the partner NGOs working with the street children / disadvantaged children. The Project also aims to improve capacity of the NGOs with a view to enable them to provide upgraded services to the street children in line with the UNCRC. Partnership has been developed through sub contracting with 9 NGOs working in 6 Divisional cities of Bangladesh i.e. 4 NGOs in Dhaka and one in each of Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi, Chittagong and Sylhet divisional cities.


Major accomplishment of the project:


Ø     Partnership developed with 9 NGOs for implementation of project activities;

Ø     Brochure developed;

Ø     Conducted ‘baseline Survey’ in 6 Divisional cities;

Ø     TOT on psychological counseling organised by International consultants;

Ø     Developed psychological counseling manual;

Ø     Developed health manual;

Ø     Developed gender manual ;

Ø     Mid term evaluation done;

Ø     Developed education Primary cum Teachers’ guide;

Ø     Observance of Child Rights Week and Special Day for the Street Children;

Ø     Participatory workshop for the street children on their future vision and strategy for mainstreaming;

Ø     Organised training on ‘Food Processing’ and ‘Paper Shopping Bags and Packaging’;

Ø     Photo Exhibition;

Ø     Magazine program in BTV and Street Children’s Program in BBC (Radio);

Ø     ARISE website has been launched;

Ø     Round table conference on problems of street children with the participation of street children and the civil society;

Ø     Three day TOT on Child to Child Approach;

Ø     Half day workshop on STD and HIV / AIDS;

Ø     Networking with Childhope Asia, Consortium for Street Children UK, Ain –O- Shalish Kendra, Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum, ILO – IPEC, Childline Foundation India, SACH-Struggle for Change- Pakistan, Partners Street Children Program.



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