So I been told

So you say, I am not all you wanted me to be..
you knocked me down, you pushed me out of the tree..
You wish I was never born, another mouth to feed..
you call me names and you say you’re the father who loves me.

So you say, I am not smart, I am a retart..
I’ll never mount to nothing, tell the doctor I am accident
prone for many of my accidents was caused of my own.
Well than who am I, where do I belong and why did you and momma
decide to have me?

So you say, you’re always right, call me a scary cat
because I am scared of the monster’s who comes in my
room at night. You whisper softly in my ear many things..
that makes both of my ear rings. Let me say, I am just a little
girl, your daughter, a innocent child who you helped bring
into the world, all you say and do just gave my life a twirl.

So you say, to do what I do and not what I say,
your words are sharped like a two edged sword, and you want
me to look up to thee. You are my dad and mom who suppose to
keep me safe, parents you call yourself to me and to love me for who I am
and who God created me to be.

I am who I am, so you say to kneel down and pray..
and all you do dad was lead me astray. I am not your
son or a child who lives down the road..or should I be a
stranger to you, I wanted you to know. I am your daughter, the little girl
you and mom created together, a human being,
the life you created with yor wife, the love between you to, so you say, what I habe been told.

So you say, a lot of awful negative words today,as well as every day
your instructions of life I am suppose to obey. Say something positive
for once and give me a word of praise..accept me as your daughter
and love me for who I am and God created me to be and just
maybe you’ll see a change in the little girl that I wanted to be.

Now an grown Adult and a mother too. I love my children that my husband and I created through our love for each other. Now I say, even though you could not find it in your heart to love me the way God wanted you to, I love you dad and mom, you are my parents where God wanted me to be.

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