Vacuum Robot Comparison: Roomba 780 vs Roomba 880

Roomba 780 and Roomba 880

Roomba 780 are Roomba 880 are two of the top robot vacuum models produced by iRobot. Roomba 780 was released in 2011 and quickly became the most wished for vacuum robot in the world. It remained at the top until it was replaced by Roomba 880 from the same brand in late 2013. Roomba 880 has important improvements over 780 that makes people look to it as the best robot vacuum the money can buy.

Differences Between Roomba 780 and 780

  • More Advanced Engine: Roomba 880 has a more efficiently built engine that is smaller but more powerful. As a result, 880 has a 5-times better suction than 780.
  • More Efficient Suction: The AirFlow Accelerator technology built into Roomba 880 allows it to use the suction produced by the engine more efficiently and clean the floor with more rigor.
  • Bigger Dust Bin: The space saved by the smaller engine in Rooba 880 allows it to have larger dust bin than 780. So, it can go longer without needing you to empty the bin.
  • Better Dirt Extractors: Roomba 780 has the outmoded brushes to help it collect dust while Roomba 880 comes with advanced AeroForce Extractors made of rubber that resist getting tangled by hair etc. Romoving the lousy brush is a major improvement over 770 because gettick stuck with hair and stuff was the most common reason for robot vacuum failure.
  • Better Battery: XLife batteries are much better because their lifespan is lot longer than the old Roomba batteries. They come with Roomba 880. For older models they can be bought separately for replacement.

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