Viral Marketing Success is Traffic?

“T R A F F I C – I S – S U C C E S S”

Viral Marketing “T R A F F I C – I S – S U C C E S S”
Viral marketingviral advertising, or marketingbuzz are buzzwords referring to marketingtechniques that use pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to try to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve othermarketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral …

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Messengers in The Right Environment:

  1. Messenger: Three specific types of messengers are required to ensure the transformation of an ordinary message into a viral one: market mavens, social hubs, and salespeople. Market mavens are individuals who are continuously ‘on the pulse’ of things (information specialists); they are usually among the first to get exposed to the message and who transmit it to their immediate social network. Social hubs are people with an exceptionally large number of social connections; they often know hundreds of different people and have the ability to serve as connectors or bridges between different subcultures. Salespeople might be needed who receive the message from the market maven, amplify it by making it more relevant and persuasive, and then transmit it to the social hub for further distribution. Market mavens may not be particularly convincing in transmitting the information.Viral Marketing1
  2. Message: Only messages that are both memorable and sufficiently interesting to be passed on to others have the potential to spur a viral marketing phenomenon. Making a message more memorable and interesting or simply more infectious, is often not a matter of major changes but minor adjustments. It should be unique and engaging with a main idea that motivates the recipient to share it widely with friends – a “must-see” element.
  3. Environment: The environment is crucial in the rise of successful viral marketing – small changes in the environment lead to huge results, and people are much more sensitive to environment. The timing and context of the campaign launch must be right.

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Social Media, such as likes on Facebook or retweets on Twitter, which demonstrate that consumers processed the information received through the marketing message. Measures such as the number of reviews for a product or the number of members for a campaign webpage quantify the number of individuals who have acknowledged the information provided by marketers. Besides statistics that are related to online traffic, surveys can assess the degree of product or brand knowledge, though this type of measurement is more complicated and requires more resources.
consumers. Behavioral measures are very important because changes in consumers’ behavior and buying decisions are what marketers hope to see through viral campaigns. There are numerous indicators that can be used in this context as a function of marketers’ objectives. Some of them include the most known online and social media statistics such as number and quality of shares, views, product reviews, and comments. Consumers’ brand engagement can be measured through the K-factor, the number of followers, friends, registered users, and time spent on the website. Indicators that are more bottom-line oriented focus on consumers’ actions after acknowledging the marketing content, including the number of requests for information, samples, or test-drives. Nevertheless, responses to actual call-to-action messages are important, including the conversion rate. Consumers’ behavior

The Viral Marketing Activities. Besides positive effects on sales, the use of viral marketing is expected to bring significant reductions in marketing costs and expenses…

Viral marketing often involves and utilizes:

Viral target marketing is based on three important principles:

  1. Social profile gathering
  2. Proximity market analysis
  3. Real-time key word density analysis

By applying these three important disciplines to an advertising model…

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