Basic Skills A Handyman Should Have

Your Home, Your Projects

I know everyone is excited when they get a home.  If it’s a brand new home, then it’s easy most everything will work and all you have to do is move in.
If on the other hand it’s like ours, then you’re going to have more challenges and your home, is your new project.
If you’re not handy, or don’t have time to be handy, then you’re going to want to look into getting a handyman.
There are somethings that  you may be able to do, like painting and putting up clothes racks.  But then again there are going to be projects that you probably can do.
Our home is full of things that we can’t do.  A new roof, new porches and yes, holes in the floor, and all of this translates into needing to get a handyman.
As a result of this overbearing need, I’ve started researching things that we will need to know about getting a handyman.  
Somethings are common and things you may alread know.  Some will be suggestions depending on the job.  Still others may be things you had no clue of. 
So for your help (as well as mine), here are things I’ve found out! 

The Right Handyman...
can make all the difference in your project being completed the way you want it.

First What They Can't Do

First What They Can’t Do

It’s just as important to know what a handyman can do as much as it is to know what they can’t do.  Perhaps the easiest way to determine this is to consider what requires additional licenses and in some cases state boards.
Those things which would be included in this are things like electricians, plumbers and gas fitting, or larger construction projects. 
The larger the project, the more critical it’s going to be to have someone that is licenses and have the referrals that you’re going to need.
Never be concerned with asking them for references or proof of license.  Those that haven’t have lived to regret it both in their pocket books, and damage to their home.  

The Bigger Jobs...
need to have contractors and they need to be licensed!

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Projects Of A Handyman

Projects of a handyman can be extensive.  This includes everything from putting things up like shower rods, to bathroom repairs, door installation, basic repairs, floors, painting and the list goes on.
Projects can be larger and for the average person more challenging. Consider things like porches, counter tops, furniture assembly, cabinets and so forth.
As  you can tell, this is no longer the handyman of days gone bye. 

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The Handyman Has It!

The professional handyman should have all the supplies and tools that they need.  Supplies and tools aren’t just limited to nails and hammers.
No, tools and supplies are things along the lines of Rubberize IT,  hammers, nails, saws, wood and the list continues.  Does that mean that they pay for all of these things?
No, they need to have the tools, but you supply the product that needs to be completed.  For example, if you’re looking at having a porch built, you need to supply the wood, finishing coat, and anything else that needs to be used to make it the porch that you want.  
Depending on how you want your items taken care of, is going to depend on what you need.  The handyman brings the tools and the expertize.  You supply everything else! 

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