How To get Rid Of Mice In Your Home

How To get Rid Of Mice In Your Home Without An Exterminator

Mice are probably the most unwanted guests in any home.  Once discovered you want to know how to get rid of mice FAST!
In A Hurry?
Whether you love or hate them, these small animals have been known to carry dangerous parasites on them that can lead to the transmission of very dangerous diseases.

Yersina pestis is an example of dangerous bacteria that exists in rats and is transmitted to humans by fleas.

Mice are a nuisance
that will eat any food you leave out in the open and chew on wirings, leading to the destruction of home appliances. This is why it would be a better idea to get rid of them sooner rather than later.

There Are A Number Of Ways To Get Rid Of Mice And Other Rodents In Your Home

You could use, mouse traps,poisons,sonic noise makers,mouse zappers or more natural methods.
Natural methods include buying a house cat, sealing large holes or cracks in the wall that allow mice to enter, or removing trash and any other food source that may attract them. Housecats also prey on fish and songbirds so be sure to keep any bird cages or aquariums closed at all times.

Rat poison is a good way of getting rid of mice in your home. Most people prefer to use rat poison because it is easy to use. You just have to spread it out over the areas where you think the mice might pass and watch them die as soon as they ingest it.

The poison is not expensive and unlike mouse traps which kill one mouse at a time, this method allows you to kill numerous mice at a go. Do not use rat poison if you have kids or pets as they may come into contact with it and get poisoned or even killed.

Keep Pets And Children AWAY From Mouse And Rat Poison

Motomco 22486 Tomcat Refillable Tier 1 Mouse Bait Station 1-Ounce 16-Pack
Motomco 22486 Tomcat Refillable Tier 1 Mouse Bait Station 1-Ounce 16-PackCheck Price Now!

Just One Bite 1 Pound Bar
Just One Bite 1 Pound BarCheck Price Now!

NEOGEN RODENTICIDE 45-Pack Ramik Rat and Mouse Bait Pail
NEOGEN RODENTICIDE 45-Pack Ramik Rat and Mouse Bait PailCheck Price Now!

Using Traps To Get Rid Of Mice And Save Your Home

Another way of getting rid of these unwanted pests is by catching them using a mouse trap. Electronic mousetraps are the modern traps currently in use and are much better than the old snap traps that broke the neck of a mouse that took the bait.

Besides, snap traps create a bloody mess, which is difficult to clean, after killing a mouse. Electronic traps electrocute mice that walk into them, making them a faster and more humane method of getting rid of the mice in your home.

Mouse traps come in all shapes and sizes these days. You can find no-kill singles and no-kill multiple units.
The same goes for those that electrocute the mice.

Each situation is different and calls for a different solution. Below I have provided a cross section of the types of mouse traps available today.

I hope this helps you decide what you need in your situation


Remember To Check Your Mouse Traps Daily!

Snap-E Mouse Trap-6 Pack
Snap-E Mouse Trap-6 PackCheck Price Now!

Smart Mouse Trap - Humane Mousetrap
Smart Mouse Trap – Humane MousetrapCheck Price Now!

Victor M2524 Electronic Mouse Trap
Victor M2524 Electronic Mouse TrapCheck Price Now!

Ortho 0320110 Home Defense Max Kill & Contain Mouse Trap Disposable 2-Pack
Ortho 0320110 Home Defense Max Kill & Contain Mouse Trap Disposable 2-PackCheck Price Now!

Eaton J. T. 421CL Multiple Catch Mouse trap
Eaton J. T. 421CL Multiple Catch Mouse trapCheck Price Now!

Victor M260 Multi-Kill Electronic Mouse Trap
Victor M260 Multi-Kill Electronic Mouse TrapCheck Price Now!

Final Thoughts On Getting Rid Of Mice

Getting rid of mice is not easy and can prove to be difficult if you try to do it without any help. Using the above methods should help you get them out once and for all.

If you have a serious infestation, you should call your local exterminator and get your house treated.

A word of warning…

When cleaning up after the mice are dead, don’t sweep or vacuum mouse droppings as they may release harmful airborne viruses. Instead, use gloves to collect them, put them in a plastic bag, and dispose them off in a dumpster.

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To Get Rid Of Mice In Your Home

Mice are probably
the most unwanted guests in any home. Once discovered you want to know
how to get rid of mice FAST!

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