Lord of the Rings Figures

The Lord of the Rings Action Figures

The Lord of the Rings is one of the most enduring stories in literature. It challenges the imagination and lets the reader roam Middle Earth. At least that’s what sucked me in. I’m also a collector of action figures. No, not dolls, ACTION figures. And that’s what makes The Lord of the Rings figures so great. Each character is an action star unto themselves.

The figures below are based on the films. The details given to most of the figures is so lifelike. There are definitely influences of the stars in the action figures, but they also have a touch of what I imagined the characters to look like while I read the stories.

LOTR Gandalf Figures

Gandalf has always been my favorite character from the books. Stern, magical, yet possessing human frailties, he takes on the weight of the world while leading the Fellowship on their dangerous journey. He knows that he may lead all the others to certain death, but he also knows it’s the right thing to do.

Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the

4124ZAK9ZTL. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord Of The Rings Gandalf 20" Epic

51dRwnJdh5L. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Toy Biz Lord Of The Rings Return Of

The Lord of the Rings Frodo Figures

Frodo Baggins has the burden of being the Hobbit entrusted with destroying the Ring. He is the lone hope of saving Middle Earth. His is an unenviable path. Surrounded by those sworn to protect him, he must ensure that he will not fail, lest Sauron conquer all the land.

Lord of the Rings Return of the

514JK6HE11L. SL160 PA6,6,6,6
Return of the King 6" Figure

41WV8CEK3KL. SL160 PA6,6,6,6
Lord of the Rings Two Towers Series

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410ijmKs7kL. SL160 PA6,6,6,6
Lord of the Rings Return of the

Smeagol Figures

My Precious! These are some of the creepiest, life-like figures of Gollum I’ve seen. I’m still afraid that some of them will come to life as I sleep and just crouch next to me.

41GFRJQAYKL. SL160 PA6,6,6,6
Super Poseable Smeagol with the One

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4179LNRqBAL. SL160 PA6,6,6,6
Lord Of The Rings 1/4th Scale

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419THVXYZTL. SL160 PA6,6,6,6
The Hobbit Gollum Head Knocker
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Aragorn Action Figures

Strider is of noble blood and leads the Fellowship after the loss of Gandalf. Most of these figures do not look much like Viggo Mortensen from the film, but they do capture the strength of character from the books.

51DX356PAPL. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
The Lord of the Rings – Return of

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51j6ZWdKDiL. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord of the Rings Two Towers Action

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4127QHQ589L. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord of the Rings Super Poseable

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More Action Figures from The Lord of the Rings

The Bridge Direct Hobbit 3.75"

11D6F8S1TSL. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord of the Rings Trilogy ROTK

Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the

61COzI6YY9L. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord of the Rings Uruk-hai Warrior

41ZS00FETGL. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord Of The Rings ROTK Samwise

41eDzzT0CCL. SL160 BO1,0,0,0
Lord of the Rings The Two Towers Ele…
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