Wanting more power seems to be a part of human nature.  By nature I am an old hot rodder.  Every vehicle I owned, I wanted more power in it – just like you do.  Even now all of my motorcycles are “hopped up” to get more power out of them.

People who are into athletics want more power.  That’s why all the training and exercise equipment is on the market.  To build up more muscle or power.  Eat power producing foods and drink power drinks – to get more power.

Or, consider people in business.  If you will watch them as I have for over eight decades, they all still want more money [Which is power of a short.].  Then when they have more than they can use, they still seek POWER.  Usually in the form of politics or government positions.  Why? They want more power over people.

Then there is the need we all have, the need of more power for life.  Some times the need of more power just to make it through another day.  The need for more power to overcome addictions, habits, weakness, attitudes, or relationships that have gone bad.  Or more power just to put up with ourselves. 

We all want more power in one way or another.

Wanting more power seems to be a part of human nature.  By nature I am an old hot rodder.  Every vehicle I owned, I wanted more power in it – just like you do.  Even now all of my motorcycles are “hopped up” to get more power out of them.

People who are into athletics want more power.  That’s why all the training and exercise equipment is on the market.  To build up more muscle or power.  Eat power producing foods and drink power drinks – to get more power.

Or, consider people in business.  If you will watch them as I have for over eight decades, they all still want more money [Which is power of a short.].  Then when they have more than they can use, they still seek POWER.  Usually in the form of politics or government positions.  Why? They want more power over people.

Then there is the need we all have, the need of more power for life.  Some times the need of more power just to make it through another day.  The need for more power to overcome addictions, habits, weakness, attitudes, or relationships that have gone bad.  Or more power just to put up with ourselves. 

We all want more power in one way or another.

The Basics Of Hanukkah106292


This little MG in the photo strikes a real cord of response with this old man.  You see, I had one of these when my oldest daughter was born.  But mine was yellow.  I can even remember hauling her home from the hospital in it.

At that time most American cars could out run it ON THE STRAIGHT.  But put me in the mountains and I saw them in my rear view mirror.  And to a young hot rodder, that was a lot of fun.

This is a little hard to believe today, but that little two door roadster had a four speed transmission in it.  That was a big deal then.  And hang on, a whopping 76.3 cu. in. four cylinder engine putting out 54 hp.  And with a top speed of about 80 mph.

I’m only human.  Even back then I would have loved to have more power.  Just like we all do.  I do not remember what I might have done to increase the power, if any on that little gem.   But nearly every car or truck that I have owned, I did at least a little something to increase the power, at least some.

So can you imagine my joy when I came across this little MG a few years ago with a Ford High Output 5.0 in it.  Now, that’s living.  I do not know who owned that car, but my hat is off to them.  It looked like a great machine to own.  WHY?  Because we all want more power.



More power to have a faster vehicle is fun – but not essential.  Being stronger than the other person is satisfying – but not essential.  Having power over people may be ego building – but it does not straighten up the mess in your own life.  We want to concentrate on more power for a full and complete life.  And overcoming victorious life.

There is a lot of “stuff” out there attempting to help with life.  A lot of us call it “Self Help”.  You know, Positive Thinking, Correct Attitudes, Work Harder, Change your View Point, Do Religious stuff, etc. etc. etc. etc.  And, most of these things can help –  A LITTLE BIT.  But they do not give us the POWER we need.

These self help and religious things are like in my world, putting a hotter coil on my vehicle.  Or a better induction system.  And perhaps a “Cat back” exhaust along with a reprogramed computer (If it has one.)  They help, that is if you are only racing yours neighbors Ford Escort.  But life is not racing against a Ford Escort.  Life is racing against a full blown dragster or funny car.  The need is at least a blower and nitrous oxide if you even want to keep them in sight.  So let’s consider how to get a power that is beyond ourselves – beyond even human help.

We need a God given POWER implanted into us to give us the power we need for an overcoming life..  And it is available – FREE.

But, how do I get the real thing instead of these man made gimmicks?

1. We need to recognize that we are the creation of God.  And that someday we are going to stand in judgment before him – whether we like it or not.  The idea is not pleasing to most people so they are trying everything they can to rule God out of their lives.  BUT IT WILL NOT WORK.

And we need to realize that we have been living the way we want, rather than the way he wants us to.  You can guess where that is going to lead to.

2. God created us for a purpose.  He truly loves us and wants us to be at one with him.  But what can be done about the “rebellion” we have been exercising by going our own way instead of his?  God calls it “sin”.

The creator loves us enough that he came down from heaven in the form of a man.  Then he lived a perfect life and offered himself up as a sacrifice for our sins or failures.  In English we call him “Jesus Christ”.

But, he was only dead for three days.  He then came back to life.  Continued to live here on earth for about forty days to prove beyond doubt that he was alive.  After which he returned to heaven in the sight of those with him at the time.

3.  Jesus Christ wants to live with us and in us.  He wants to in power us with his very life.  But how do we get it.
a. Admit to God that you have failed him and lived the way you wanted instead of the way he wanted you to.  That is why your life is so messed up now.

b. Turn yourself over to Jesus asking him to move into you and take control of your life.  You must recognize that you cannot “con” God.  He will know if you are serious or not.  But if you will in all honesty turn yourself over to God inviting Jesus to take control of you, he will fill you with his Spirit which is the very power of God himself.
Then you will have more power to live life than you ever dreamed of.

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