ProPur Water Filter

The ProPur water filter is the latest in gravity water filtration and this page has the top models at the cheapest prices.

ProPur is one of the best and are right up there with the Berkey filters. They have produced one of the best filter elements you can buy today.

It actually is two filters in one. It will filter all the normal junk plus fluoride all-in-one. I love that!

Keep reading because I’ll tell you everything these systems eliminate or filter out

Images courtesy of Amazon

ProPur Filters

ProOne Elements Chemical and Fluoride Removal price
ProOne Elements Chemical and Fluoride Removal
These are the highly advanced ProPur filters which they call the “ProOne”. They filter out all the bad stuff like pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites.

These particular filters are special though because they also filter out fluoride at the same time.

Now, this particular ProOne I have pictured here is the number five size one which is for the “Traveler” system.
Read below for a full list of what this element removes.

ProPur Traveler Water Filtration system

Traveler Stainless Steel Water Purification price
Traveler Stainless Steel Water Purification
This is the second most popular size on their line and it’s called the ProPur Traveler water filtration system.

It filters out exactly the same things the other systems do. The only difference is the size so let me tell you about that.

It’s 17 inches high and it stores one point seven gallons of water.

I used a system similar to this one when it was just my wife and I and it was perfect. We used it for our drinking water and cooking as well.

I wanted to mention one thing about the actual filter elements. Like most systems they need to be changed once per year.

ProPur King Water Filtration System

King Stainless Steel Water Purification System price
King Stainless Steel Water Purification System
This is the big daddy of the group and it’s called the ProPur King water filtration system.

This particular system also utilizes the new ProOne filter elements.

The whole system is stainless steel and the spigot is metal as well which is cool because some other systems out there use plastic which is fine but not as nice.

This big guy is just over 23 inches tall and can hold a whopping eight gallons at one time!

This comes with two of the filters and is really great for families to use.

ProPur Filters For The King

ProOne 9 Inch Filter Elements for ProPur King price
ProOne 9 Inch Filter Elements for ProPur King
These are the ProPur ProOne elements specifically for the King system. They are nine inches long.

I wanted to take the opportunity here to list out a few of the harmful things these great filters eliminate.

Bacteria, Cysts, E.Coli, Sediment, Chlorine, Chloramines, Lead, Arsenic, Pesticides, Herbicides, VOC’s, Fluoride.

If you have any questions please let me know by leaving a comment in the guestbook below.

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