Spring is just around the corner. As January comes to an end, we’re within a month or so of those birds chirping and love floating through the air. Love that beautiful feeling and not just for those that have two legs (humans), but for animals as well.
Spring doesn’t stop there though. Consider that it’s in January and February that people start planning what their gardens are going to look like. It’s understandable, after all the earlier you can get your seeds, fertilizer and other supplies the better. Consider getting them in the winter, and they’ll be less expensive then during the spring time.
Spring gardens is what it’s all about, and what you can plant in them.
Gardens are beautiful. They add much to our lives from relaxing times, to health improvements. The larger your garden the more you have to chose from, and the healthier you will be. I understand that there are many types of gardens, but I’m only going to address two. Vegetables is the first kind. You can have vegetables year round and fresh ones too. The easiest way is to have containers at your home, plant them and if it’s a complete kit, watch them grow.
Some people have pretty nice weather year round and would argue that the only ‘real’ garden is the one planted in the ground that you have to sink your hands into and get the dirt between your nails. I disagree. Any garden is a good garden if it reaps the benefits that you’re looking for.
Note I said the benefits that you’re looking for. Gardens can even be handcrafted, such as the one in the picture. I’ve notice over the years that you can get salt and pepper shakes with vegetables on them. House decorations and more. Even my kitchen curtains have carrots on them.
Flower Gardens
Flower gardens are another type of garden that are simply beautiful to the sight and smell. They have as much if not more creativity then that of the vegetable garden and they bring delight to their fans as well. If you doubt this, Google a search on gardens that will allow you to come and visit them. This is especially the case in Southern California.
Options include having a rainbow of colors, to a rainbow of styles. The sky’s the limit as to what you can do in the area of floral gardens. Consider if you become an expert, you can even change this hobby into a profession and sell them to florist or perhaps become one yourself.
My only caution with this one is those pesky bees that come around to pollinate them. If you’re like my daughter and are allergic to them, you might want to consider having your flower selection limited to the indoors. This can mean having them delivered, picking them up at the grocery store, handcrafting them or any combination of the above.