The real meaning of Globalization

Global capitalization and the hidden psychology of human nature
that drives it.
Can we wake up and save our planet from the Globalized reach of
runaway capitalism and personal greed for riches and power?
The picture is from the book Animal Spirits which attempts to
describe the human drives and the powerful psychological forces
behind capitalism and the recent and continuing global financial
This essay agrees with some of the themes of the book yet goes way

The rights of an individual attributed to corporations! A corporation is a person!

MAD – a mutually assured destruction policy:In the USA a corporation has the rights as if it were an individual! This lends itself to expansion dominance and greed. Individuals with the wealth of nations, billions in personal capital that they cannot spend if they had several lifetimes have no personal shame in holding such mountains of money. These individuals that head the top of corporations of course should benefit but surly not to such extremes that we see these days: it's a sickness of the mind. Its an addiction to greed. Its greed, but a greed that the majority of people are envious of because our society merits wealth attainment. The accumulation of wealth and power beyond certain limits should be recognized as a flaw in character: to gather things: wealth and power to extremes. It leads to situations in which we hear statements like 'banks being too big to fail' as if such enterprises have a right beyond natural selection to survive. Governments then provide an artificial support mechanism for such artificial entities, which will only lead to its self belief in its own self image of indestructibility = power enhancement. This is all symptomatic of an egotistical selfish nature run rampant and it could destroy our planet. Such monolithic institutions, central banks, operated by these greedy for power folks should be allowed to fail otherwise we will be in collective debt for a very long time. Such individuals attaining massive wealth in banking, and the business, corporate and political arena's ought no longer to be envied as important 'personalities' but should be given a different identity tag by the people of this world. Individuals seeking power wealth fame etc often end up as CEO's of controlling entities such as corporations and other human organizations: political. Many in the political arena's can hoodwink themselves into the crazy belief that they have a calling for 'public service'. All too often history shows that there is a parallel where public service leads to riches.Such avaricious wealthy and political power seekers should be seen for what they are: mentally sick people who cut themselves off from their own species development and uplifting – impoverishing others makes them wealthy.

A change has got to come

A change has got to come

Too much of anything ain’t good for nobody.
If public opinion can be moved to see this and show its revulsion
to such figures and enterprises then maybe just maybe as
individuals gathering into a new collective with such aims we can
make a change.
President Obama got into office on the theme of change, but no real
change has happened. At one time his campaign theme song was Same
Cooke’s – ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’ but he had to stop using it as
the Cooke family objected: did they know something about human
characteristics that seek power, whilst disguising it as something
else? And I don’t blame Obama for initiating no change as he is
driven by those who assisted him into power; the funding campaign
contributors who surely get their pound of flesh one way or

Power seeking is a very basic survival characteristic.

Power seeking is a very basic survival characteristic.

All entities first priority is survival, then for expansion of its environment to seek food, shelter safety and to grow and multiple. Many animals do try to mark out or dominate their environments but most at least put up with others in 'their' territory. Mankind is a different matter. Man tends to stifle its competition. Some animals fight to control their 'territory' in mankind this has always been the case: it's called war. A corporation, a political party, a religion is an artificial entity made up from its employees, its owner, its followers and its aims, its management and their focus is always for more. More growth, more expansion, more converts, more sales, better financial returns than the previous year, eating up or destroying its competitors – its enemies: such an entity is artificial and yet a collective (like the Borg). Within such an entity the entire purpose of its growth and survival and its aims become fostered by the collective, the management the employees – all become a collective often (at the top) a bureaucratic mind set is directed by Group Think. It no longer sees the outside world as a person would, i.e. attributing human characteristics and considerations to its actions – Stateside the Government have engendered human rights to corporations that have objectives that are certainly not in line with human principles.These characteristics of enterprise survival and dominance are not simply confined to large retail corporations; even charities have the same attributes. Consider their motives, most provide good salary opportunities to their management and staff: the first consideration even in a charity is for continuation. How many charities aims are conceived with their dissolution in mind? Such as setting up to solve the issue then to dismantle themselves as their objective manifesto when a certain aim is reached? No. Its in their interest for it never to be achievable. Corporations, enterprises, agencies, governments, every human organised endeavour seeks to keep the 'entity' ongoing; maybe tweaking it periodically with input from some individuals. Whatever it is each type of organization becomes an entity in its own right with everything; employees, aims, directives – everything becoming focused as an outwardly at least collective aim. It takes on a life of its own. Such things become even more extreme within a globally reaching corporation – in fact virtually every single company agency, government and boy scout group – every human group entity forms a collective, which then adopts the Us and Them mental set. The danger is that many become highly stratified and fossilized unable to change course even when to outsiders their aims are against the general public good or simply barmy as is often the case of the insiders group think. A current English example is that realistic change cannot take place within the Church of England who recently voted to bar women from holding high office. This is a good example of going upstream against the current of public opinion that these days predominates – that quite rightly all are equally no matter their religion, race, disability, sexual orientation or gender. In the corporate world of Globalization companies use every tactic to increase their value, power and dominance: paying less in wages for the created goods by seeking low wage economies to operate in and then use the same tactics of artificial accountancy practices to avoid local taxation in the nations they sell within. Examples are Google, Amazon, Starbucks and many more. Multinational corporations (major consumer brands) whilst charging high prices for their goods are using tax and accountancy firms to decrease national taxation to virtually nothing. This effects local indigenous competitors so that any competitive home grown company has a higher taxation barrier to reach profitability than the cuckoo in the home nest. Like the lobbyists in political situations these international behemoths brands can buy political interest, they sponsor big events, they donate, they entertain, they pay lobbyists, so ordinary citizens and local businesses never get heard. In fact any emerging local competitor who would benefit the local economy are stifled by these processes of ear-bending by important brands. Such influence carries more weight than local economic considerations. Politicos are often blind, or blinded by the attention of 'important' people and organizations: it's a character flaw – there already inflated ego's flourish and are nourished by such attention. Those most likely to be corruptible are the power seekers. They become puppet mouthpieces and make stupid statements that local jobs are beneficial in the client country : whilst all profits are sucked to the homeland.

When the State and Corporations act together: what is it called?

When the State and Corporations act together: what is it called?

In the UK many USA corporations pay less than three percent in local taxes when a home grown competitor has to pay 28 percent. Globalization is described as opening up the world for international markets, it is assumed by the robotic mantra of the political and economic cabals that this is good for the world. However on closer examination it seems to be the aim of one single nation: who want to Globalize the rest! Consciously or unconsciously the USA is bent upon sucking into itself all the economic value of the world into itself. This aim is clearly obvious on the Internet where dominance of retail markets is now a recognizable strategic aim in software, entertainment, computers and mobile devices. This is a long term survival/dominate strategy, for dominion economically and politically and we see also for commodities such as oil if not acquiesced then probably military intervention comes along. The oil grab wars of recent history in the name of assisting to free captive nations from the despotic leaders, that where previously ‘our friends’ proves the point. The theme of this essay is to show the underlying causes of what we see playing out – it is the nature of mans instincts described here that are the driving force behind these symptoms. Symptoms for power and dominance; what the native American Indians call the sickness. There is no alternative political opposition in the USA both the Democrats and Republicans are virtually the same. All politicians in the USA are bought and paid for by their political fund raisers; read big business and big banking. They have to repay their paymaster when in office. Of course this is not stated in obvious terms; they say its for jobs, its good for the economy to have huge corporate dominance, its for the community in which the military industrial complex is operating creating jobs. War jobs are effectively distributed at least one in each State, planned geographical for lobbying and of course obtaining the group think affiliation of local blue collar workers: its local jobs. We work, we fear redundancy, we have to pay the mortgage, the bank loan.We are all being targeted as economic debt slaves. The future planners whether consciously or unconsciously working out their aims are favouring debt as their best homeland and subject nations control weapon, those in debt don’t complain too much. Fascism is when the state acts in concert with the aims of the wealthy and big business.<br /><br />As a population we are divided into individuals trying to survive economically: its a beggar my neighbor policy, that suits the Bwanking community.

A few voices in the hurricane

A few voices in the hurricane

Apologies for the link mess below: not worked out the changes SIRGO has made to no follow backlinks so its a mess – hopefully temporary.<br /><br />If big oil rides over the interests of the local people in the third world jungle lands for oil extraction without considering the environmental effects, nobody much seems to care in the so called (apathetic) first world. However consider this happening in the first world nation of Ireland, part of the European Union: what Shell did to a small community; filmed in the documentary – the Pipe. Well then why are we silent when it happens in Europe?<br /><br />Alternative news services and independent films may be the only current option along with the internet to be able to have objective news. <br /><br />Money and celebrity and power combine into total arrogance: Youve Been Trumped<br />- a great documentary about bully boy Trump:<br /><br /><br />The USA news services the BBC just feed sleeping draughts to lull us to sleep.<br /><br />Try these: <a rel="NoFollow" href="">ZEITGEIST</a> – <a rel="NoFollow" href="">KEISER REPORT</a> – <a rel="NoFollow" href="">THE PIPE </a>- <a rel="NoFollow" href="">ANTI GLOBALIZATION BREAKFAST CLUB </a>-<a rel="NoFollow" href="" rel="nofollow">STRIKE DEBT</a><br /><br />A Sane American: <a heref="">Doug Casey</a><br /><br /><br />Looks like SIRGO are playing NO follow silly games – Ho-Hum…<br /><br />

So Globalization is an aim for dominance, a human characteristict acting out on a large stage

So Globalization is an aim for dominance, a human characteristict acting out on a large stage

Its real meaning exposed is for DOMINANCE and collective power in the hands of the few. They seek dominance, they seek power; they have big egos and small minds. In fact they are scarred; they need attention but seek it through the acquisition of money, or political authority. You can see rampant attention seeking in the media with all things celebrity focused. If they can't reach celebrity status their self image relies upon gaining other 'dominant' characteristics.We should not see them as the 1% with the rest of us debt slaves – the 99%.They are humans too, but sick ones. We need a 100% collective humanity. They run the IMF, The World Bank, The EC, The Federal Reserve: They are the political parties, they are the heads of corporations; but they are our fellow human beings.We have to make them look silly. That such objectives are a false aim and a basic animal instinct for survival that may have worked in the animal kingdom from which we evolved, but we no longer need such tactics for survival. In fact this analogy is insulting to animal species; even predators don't kill everything, most animals have a social community like elephants for example. Our survival is as a harmonious collective of contributing free individuals not as a selfish minority seeking to act out animal instincts. Such people are operated by robotic instinct, yet with clever guile and carnivorous cunning. They seek to be the leader of the pack, which means a financially totally 'secure' objective as in our society money means power. In the past such Neolithic thinking meant domination over other males in the group, controlling females, hunting game and marking out territory. Haven't we outgrown this? Is our technology able to solve our problems? Its time for a change, we need technologists to be our leaders not power seeking attention seekers.

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