Needlepoint For The Holidays!


Yes, it’s true I’m going there.  I realize that it’s the middle of Summer, but it’s also time for those of you that love crafts to start preparing for Christmas and all the other holidays that come up at the end of the year. 

If you’re like many, you’ll be sitting there going something like “what is she nuts, it’s 100 out!  Why in the world would I want to be thinking about the holidays, let alone Christmas?”  The answer is simple for those that like to make crafts or are starting to consider making them.  The answer is this: In order to get done with them in time so that they can be decorations or presents you must start now.  

Do get crafts done for the holidays...
you must always start in the summer. (Unless of course you’re the super zoomer).

Your Direction

Your Direction

It’s true, if you’re going to make crafts for the holidays most people do have to start in July and August.  For those that are really crafty maybe even earlier.  Part of the reason for this is the time it takes to make the crafts that you’re looking at making. 

While I’m showing holiday items specifically, you are smart enough to know that if your child loves angels, you can do an angel needlepoint.  If they love actors, you can do an actor one and so forth.

In fact, needlepoint’s are one of the most unique gifts that most everyone can like and use.  That may seem like a really large statement to fill, but it’s also true.  

Consider the pillow that I’m showing here.  Most everyone I’ve ever met has and been to their house has pillows.  The nice thing about this needlepoint is that it doesn’t have to be done for the holidays, it can be made for any time of year.  

is one of the easiest crafts to do, and can be done all year long. This is especially encourage for summer crafts for the winter!

Needlepoint For The Holidays!98738

Over The Top!

This is one of those needlepoint’s that is so far over the top, that you’ve got to have it, let alone if you’re a Marilyn lover.  I love the detail and intricacy that comes with it.  Not to mention that fact that if someone has most everything that’s ever been done of her, they’re probably not going to have this.

I suspect that many of you will have had preconceived ideas about what needlepoint’s are, and the fact that many consider them to be a girly hobby.  But know that anyone of most any age can enjoy making something with their own hands.

Why not give it a try.

Needlepoints done well,
can be as valuable as any other item as a gift.

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