Optimum Nutrition For The Mind

Mental illness

Mental illness is a state of mind in which one is unable to cope,  an. Inability  to lead a fulfilling life cause of serious impairment. 

Mental wellness vs. Mental illness

Stable/ balance vs. extreme ups & downs/ unstable
Good coping ability vs. poor/ bad coping ability. 
4 Aspects & contributors to mental disease 
  1. Environment
  2. Genetics
  3. Sensory input
  4. Mind frame
Mental health professional evaluate a clients condition on 5 axes. 
Axis I: An extensive list of typically significantly impairing disorders. 
Axis II: Long-standing problems that are frequently overlooked. 
Axis III: Any relevant general medical condition the person currently exhibits. 
Axis IV: Information about pertinent paychosocial or environmental problems. 
Axis V: Rating a person’s overall psychological, social and occupational functioning. 
 There is a fine line between mental wellness and mental illness. 

13 Common Biochemical imbalances

13 Common Biochemical imbalances

Blood sugar problems

stimulant and drug dependance

Food & chemical allergies and intolerances

under/overactive thyroid

Niacin, Pyridoxine, Folic acid or B12 Deficiency

Essential Fats Deficiency/imbalances

Heavy metal toxcity

Pyroluria and porhyria

Histamie imbalance

Serotonin imbalance

Adrenal imbalance

Acetylcholine imbalance

detoxification overload and inflammation

Mental Disorders

There are 3 main types of drugs used to treat mental disorders.
  1. Antidepressants: some side effects are dry mouth, blurred vision, nausea, confusion, cardiovascular problems, sweating, tremors and behavioural disturbances. It can be highly addictive, also some can have fatal interactions with certain foods. Flatten mood, reduce motivation, libido and sex drive.
  2. Stimulants (Ritalin): these can be addictive as well and have nasty withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Tranquilizers:highly addictive. Long term use cab cause forgetfulness, drowiness, accident-prone, antisocial. Other side effects blurry vision, muscle twitches, restlessness, skin reaction and tardive dyskinesia.
Trans fats are the worst kind of fat for the brain cause it pops out DHA and the brain can’t make prostaglandin. (anti – inflammatory)
Fried foods, smoking and pollution are the 3 main factors that introduce oxidants into the body and damages the fragile fats in our nerve cell membranes.
Some causes of oxidant:
  • stress
  • constipation
  • smoking
  • drugs
  • sugar
We can protect our brain from free radical damage with antioxidants.
  • vitamin A,C,E
  • glutathione
  • CoQ10
  • Lipoic Acid
  • Anthocyanidins
  • Selenium
Alcohol is our brain’s worst enemy.
It knocks out DHA & EPA also vitamins and minerals
Chronic stress makes us forgetful by raising levels of cortisol over the long term.
Also impairs memory and alertness by disrupting blood sugar regulation.
  • inflammation
  • uses up important vitamin and minerals
  • Link to mental health symptoms.
Coffee contains 3: caffeine, theobromine, theophylline.
It’s addictive!
It can worsen mental performance and over time results in adrenal exhaustion.
Other common stimulants that can affect our mental health:
  • black tea
  • chocolate (sugar)
  • pop/energy drinks.
Brain Pollution.
There are certain cehmicals that can negatively impact Mental health (antinutrients), by interfering with our ability to absorb nutrients, ability to use nutrients and also promote the loss of nutrients from the body.
This list may underline mental disorders:
  • lead
  • cadmium
  • mercury
  • aluminum
  • copper
  • tartrazine
What one can do:
  • get tested for high levels
  • if found, remove the source and detoxification, can help.
Lead & cadmium depletes vitamin C
Lead,cadmium, aluminum, copper & tartrazine depletes Zinc
Mercury depletes selenium
Aluminum depletes magnesium.
Foods that can help:
  • garlic, onion and eggs
  • seaweed
  • apples, carrots, citrus fruits.

Most food allergies provoke mental and emotional changes.
eg. fatigue, irratability, aggression, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and hyperactivity.
An allergy is that activation of TGE antibody, TGE antibody would bind to an allergan, these molecules will trigger most cells to produce ristamine, which causes the reaction.
Most food allergies are delayed reaction ( 1hr-3days to present themselves)
Certain food can cause a release of histamin, this can cause classical allergic symptoms and mental health symptoms. ( wheat, dairy, oranges, eggs, other grains, shellfish, yeast, nuts, soy and night shades)
An Elimination diet can help.

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